
Monday, November 21, 2011

Advent Conspiracy

I feel so inclined to tell everyone I know about Advent Conspiracy. It's such a great thing to do and I know it'd feel so good to give back in this way.  AND it's way more fun. AND it forces you to get in touch with your crafty side. AND it's more memorable. AND so many more things.
Here is the short Advent Conspiracy promo video (again) to watch if you don't know what I'm talking about:

I won't say that it's not a sacrifice because it is. It's supposed to be. ESPECIALLY if you have kids I think.  They might not understand why they are getting half the gifts as usual or why you are spending half the amount you usually would but I think it's worth it.  Plan a big family day or a big family craft day where you all make everyones gift.  Give the gift of quality time instead of toys and clothes and etc. Take someone to lunch for their Christmas gift from you. There are SO many ideas. Then the money that we WOULD have spent on gifts and etc., give it to people who NEED it.  There are a ton of churches that participate in Advent Conspiracy finding a few good causes or needs around the world and vowing to help- and that's our part.  If you'd like to know more please just ask or google it further.  It's a huge thing we can do. It's Christmas for goodness sake. It's the season of ADVENT.

(random fact:  The estimated cost to SOLVE world thirst- make clean water available to the entire world- is 20 Billion dollars.  450 Billion dollars is spent on Christmas every year. EVERY. YEAR. Something to think about...)

With that being said, here's a little something to put you back in the fun Christmas spirit! You're welcome. :)

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