
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Here comes baby boy...

Today is just a huge day of crazy emotions.
At 5pm tonight, Eric and I are going to the hospital where we'll spend our last night as a family of two!  At 7am tomorrow morning Dr. Mahoney will start my induction and if all goes smoothly, we'll be holding our baby boy by tomorrow evening!  It's crazy that the next time I sleep in my bed I'll have a baby boy in the bassinet next to me.  It's crazy that I'm going to be a MOMMY but I'm so so so excited to meet Cannen.  Holding him in my arms is a feeling that I can't even imagine right now.  I'm so excited and so anxious and so happy and just a whole host of emotions right now.  
Seeing Eric hold him will probably be the most special moment for me.  I have the most perfect and loving husband and when all is done and Eric has his baby boy in his arms for the first time, it will honestly be the most amazing moment.  I get emotional just thinking about it.  I will never love a boy to the capacity that I love Eric and Cannen... they are my whole world already.  
Eric is really excited too. I can tell its the kind of excitement where he doesn't quite know what to expect and he is anxious and seems a bit nervous too.  He is going to be the most incredible dad.  Granted, he's never changed a diaper and the thought of it legitimately freaks him out but I know he'll do great.  I keep telling him Cannens dirty diapers will be the cutest dirty diapers he'll ever see ;)  He's so loving and protective and supportive of me so I just know he'll kick that all into overdrive and be a perfect dad to our little boy.  He has every quality of an amazing father and role model and spiritual leader that God would want him to be for our son.  Cannen and I are the luckiest people in the world to have Eric as the most important person in our lives.
We're as prepared as we can be for the baby and at this point it's just a new experience for us, but part of it just hasn't even clicked yet that we're about to have this little man come in and run our lives.  Everyone always says being a parent is a love that you've never experienced or felt before and for Eric and I that's definitely true.  We don't know what to expect but we know it's going to be incredible.  God has been at work in our hearts big time the past 9 months.  Preparing us for the responsibility of parenthood and working to mature us in the ways that we'll need in order to be the best parents we can be for Cannen.  
After the longest 9 months of my life, I'm so ready to meet my little boy.  I can't wait to kiss his nose and fingers and toes.  I can't wait to hear him cry and feel him breathe on me.  I can't wait til he grasps my finger with his little hand.  I can't wait to see what color his eyes are.  I can't wait to get to know his little habits and to watch him sleep.  I can't wait to watch Eric with him and inevitably see Cannen grow up to want to be JUST like his daddy.  Not a minute has gone by in the last 9 months that I havent thought about the baby in my belly and wondered about him.  He wasn't expected and he began as a huge, stressful surprise, but he's grown to be the most special and amazing gift that I could ever ask for.  I wouldn't have gotten through the last 39 weeks without Eric and my parents and family and Eric's family.  We have more support and prayers coming our way than I could imagine.  We are so blessed and so lucky to have the most loving families and parents.  I will keep learning and hopefully grow to be an incredible mom, just like my mom is.  

This little boy is already the most loved baby in the world.  I can't wait to meet our son :)

** For those of you that have been asking/ for people wanting to come visit us in the hospital and meet baby Cannen, we'll be there accepting visitors this whole weekend!  If all goes according to plan and he's born by Friday evening, then anyone is welcome to come visit Saturday or Sunday! 
We are at Henrico Doctors Forest.  I don't know our room number yet obviously but you can call Labor and Delivery or the Womens Pavilion there and just tell them my name and they'll let you know :)   We would love to see yall and baby Cannen would love it too!

Here is a poem that my sister in law, Gretchen sent me.  I really loved and thought it was SO special so I thought I'd share.
Baby’s Choice

Did you ever think, dear Mother?
As the seeds of me you sowed,
As you breathed new life inside of me
And slowly watched me grow,
In all your dreams about me
When you planned me out so well,
When you couldn't wait to have me there
Inside your heart to dwell,

Did you ever think that maybe,
I was planning for you, too,
And choosing for my very own
A mother just like you?
A mother who smelled sweet and who
had hands so creamy white,
A tender, loving creature
Who would soothe me in the night?

Did you ever think in all those days
While you were coming due,
That as you planned a life for me
I sought a life with you?
And now as I lay in your arms,
I wonder if you knew
While you were busy making me,
I was choosing you.

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