
Saturday, July 14, 2012

And the countdown continues!  I'm exactly two months from my due date today and it's becoming a little too real and the anxiety is catching up with me!
We just got back from a week long vacation to Jersey last week which was SO nice.  We went with my family.  The beachhouse, the boat, the food, the weather-- everything was SO nice and so perfect.  It was our last vacation that we'll take before Cannen is born so I cherished it to say the least haha!  

Eric has been working at the Marine Corps unit still Monday thru Friday.  It makes for an early morning start for him but he gets home around 4 everyday and so that's nice.  I've been enjoying being home and not working though I still try to keep the house cleaned everyday and do the laundry and etc.  It's getting harder because it's literally a TASK to just get off the couch with my ever growing belly.  Plus, I'm constantly tired and suffering from third-trimester insomnia which has been rough lately.  I feel bad a lot because Eric goes and works hard all day and sometimes he comes home to a very pregnant lazy wife, still in her PJ's, laying on the couch or napping.  I feel like I'm not doing my part a lot and that makes me sad and a little guilty.  I try to cook him big healthy dinners every night though and atleast do a few nice things for him a day.  I don't deserve such a perfect husband.  Since I'm getting bigger and bigger its causing me to be sluggish this summer and Eric has been such a good sport about having such a boring wife lately.  I know he doesn't like sitting around with me and having to stay inside if it's over 90 degrees (which it has been almost everyday lately :(  But he's being such a good husband and a good supporter. Braxton Hicks contractions started about a week ago and I have one a day on average.  They are the WORST so I can't imagine what labor contractions will feel like! I try to block that image out.... haha  I'm just SO excited for this pregnancy to be over and to feel normal again.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE having this sweet little boy inside of me and I fall in love with him more and more everyday, but- still- I'm not a fan of pregnancy itself. at allllll. haha  but like I said, just eight more weeks!

My baby shower is coming up which I'm SO excited about!!! Eric and I decided to do something a little bit different and make it a couples shower so he will be there as well and all the men in our life are invited too.  I wanted to make it less of a girly baby shower and more of just a big party for baby Cannen! It's going to be so fun and so many people are coming and it will just be such a good time.  Both my grandmothers and aunt and mama are planning it and between the 4 of them, I KNOW it will be the cutest most special baby shower.  I'll definitely put up pictures afterward :)

thats about it for this mini-update! If I think of anything else I'll always be sure to post! 

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