
Friday, March 9, 2012

First Trimester

Well, today I am officially 13 weeks pregnant and today is officially the first day of my second trimester!  The first trimester was friggen ROUGH to say the least.  Morning sickness was actually All-Day and All-Night sickness, had a couple strokes, cramps, everyday at noon I get heartburn that almost makes it so I can't even stand up, and to top it all off, Eric isn't here to help me and be here for me.  He can't make the nausea go away, but what I would give to have him here to just rub my back while I lie on the bathroom floor. :(   However, according to most books and websites and my Dr, I should be starting to feel better in the coming weeks.  Everyone says the second trimester is way easier so here's to hoping!   There are a few things that I will NEVER forget (and some things I learned) about my first trimester of my first pregnancy, and I thought I'd list them out so I have them officially documented.

1) Eric wasn't here. Which made everything 1,000x harder and more miserable.
2) The day I had my first ever ultrasound.  I was 8 weeks and 4 days pregnant.
3) Pepperoni is a no go. Baby gets pissed and gives me relentless heartburn.
4) Along with pepperoni, extra sharp cheddar cheese, artichokes, asparagus, gummy bears, water with lemon in it, red onion, hotdogs, and Dominos pizza.... all make me vomit or want to vomit.
5) Starting to see the teeniest tiniest of baby bumps :)
6) having the very strong, definite feeling that we're having a girl
7) choosing baby names with Eric :)
8) hearing babys heartbeat for the first time
9) telling the baby all about Eric one morning then realizing I'd been talking to essentially no one for about 2 hours... but I choose to believe she heard me and understood. :)  I thought she should know about her daddy and how much I love him.
9) spending about 2 straight weeks on the bathroom floor (not a good memory)
10) watching A Baby Story on TLC is not a good idea. Not because it makes me emotional, but because it scares the crap out of me.
11) having mini panic attacks when thinking about pushing a baby out from 'down there'.... maybe that was too much information but I'm freaking terrified.
12) I was super scared that my hormones would make me even MORE emotional and a huge basket case (and I'm already a pretty emotional person) BUT, by the grace of God, it seems pregnancy has had an opposite effect on me!  I can't cry at all anymore for anything! I just have no heavy emotions anymore haha  It's actually a nice feeling...
13) and this will be my favorite memory I think, but every night before bed I've been reading a book to the baby.  We really like the book How Baby Elephant Got His Trunk and the Dr. Seuss books... especially Oh, The Places You'll Go.  I dont think he/she even has ears yet but I feel like she likes it. and I really love just laying in bed at night reading to her.  Maybe I'm lame, but oh well.

There are many more memories but those are the few that stuck out to me while writing this post.
So there it goes- first trimester over and second starting! The pregnancy seems to be going by so fast already but I know I still have a long time to go.  Honestly, so far, I've hated being pregnant.  I can't really name one good thing about pregnancy itself except, ofcourse, for the miracle that will be the end result.  Lets hope for a smoother second trimester and and an even better third trimester when Eric finally comes home to me :)

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