
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ohhhh Boy!

I'm a bad blogger lately.  Sowwy about that.  SUCH big, fun, exciting things happening lately though!  Here goes:

-  IT'S A BOY! My ultrasound last week was surreal and quite an experience. (a couple PICTURESSSS below at the end of the post- she printed off about 20 for me but I won't share them all.) When I lay down and the woman told me I was having a boy, I will admit that I teared up a little bit, but it soon hit me that I was tearing up because Eric wasn't there with me.  I pictured what his face would look like upon hearing the news that he was going to have a son and even just my distorted, fictional made up image brought me to tears.  I know he would have been so happy.  I sucked up my tears though and soon it hit me that I was about to bring a little Eric into the world. Scary, right? ;)
         I was SO glad to have my mom there with me, though.  She has been my ROCK through this whole first and second trimester.  She's been by my side at every big appointment and every step of the way and I only hope I can be that supportive and wonderful of a mother to my son.  It's amazing how she's held me together at different moments of this pregnancy.  When she found out she would soon have a grandson she filled with tears of joy as well and, even though Eric wasn't there, it was really, really awesome sharing that moment with my own mom.
        So after seeing his little "pointer" and taking in all the excitement, the ultrasound went on for a while longer.  She took measurements and all of his measurements came back perfectly normal for how far along I am.  We also realized that he might be a little too much like his daddy already.  Our baby boy was so uncooperative! haha!  He quite literally just laid there and didn't move.  The ultrasound technician said that usually the babies are moving around, wiggling around, and they make it pretty easy for them to get all of their measurements and for them to get decent pictures for us mommies and daddies to take home!  Not our boy!  He literally laid there, on top of the placenta like it was a mattress.  We watched him stretch out his feet and cross his little ankles, and watched him throw his arms back and scratch his head.  From there, he pretty much relaxed and took a nap.  I wiggled around, turned on my side, turned on my other side, poked at him-- he wasn't having it.  So lazy! haha!  So because of this, I have to go back in another 4 weeks for another ultrasound to have the technician get the rest of his measurements that he wouldn't let us get. Little booger.  Atleast Eric will be home though so that's actually exciting because he will get to come see the baby and HOPEFULLY our boy is a bit more animated and energetic this time around!
      Eric and I also decided on his name-- Cannen Eric. (pronounced like "cannon", like a cannonball, not "kay-nen".) haha Anyway, Cannen stems from the old Hebrew biblical name Canaan which means "covenant".   We both agree that it's a good strong name for our boy.  We decided on Eric as a middle name for him because it's another good strong name!  It's the name of his daddy and the name of his grandpa, my dad.  He will carry on the legacy of two great, strong men.

- In other, equally as exciting news, ERIC COMES HOME IN A WEEK!  That's right people. A week.  I am REELING on this fact and sometimes think I might explode of excitement.  I can't stop smiling, I'm all ooey-gooey loveydovey all the time, and just the happiest a wife could be.  I feel pathetic sometimes but knowing that my husband will soon be home, for good, back in our home, back in our bed, and I get to do his laundry again and make him dinner makes me SO happy.  He's so excited as well and hes still so good about telling me how excited he is to see me and meet my baby belly. haha!  The minute he's home, I don't plan on letting him out of my sight again for a good long while. But seriously. I'm not going to.  Ugh... I love that man.  My Marine.

haha it's a boy!

sweetest little footsie.

not a good side profile picture of him because he wouldn't move from his comfy spot, but he's still a cutie!
Hoping for better pics of him at the next ultrasound on May 22nd!  Will keep ya updated with those!

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