
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

got to talk to Eric tonight on facebook chat for a couple minutes.  I'm trying so hard not to be brought down by the fact that my only contact with my husband in over 48 hours has been about 5 texts and 5 minutes of facebook chat.... but it's hard. It's totally not his fault obviously, I guess I just didn't prepare myself for how hard communicating with him would be.  I am very grateful that I've gotten to hear from him at all, though.  I guess it's just tough because I already have so much I want to tell him and I want to hear about what he's doing and there are just so many topics to cover and we cant do it.  I wonder if we'll be able to really catch up and fully include eachother in our daily lives.

I'm going to sleep now, and he's just finishing lunch.  And tomorrow when I wake up, he will be going to sleep.  and my biggest fear is our opposite lives phasing eachother out.  I am still optimistic that we can come up with some sort of schedule and I always knew the first week or two of this would be weird and difficult and uncomfortable, so it can only get better from here.  I should have prepared myself for how busy and demanding his schedule would be over there... I guess I hoped for getting to talk to him more the first few days to ease my discomfort a little bit.  I also hoped he would have more time to get acclimated before they threw him into everything over there. Lord, please please please help me to keep a good attitude and a supportive, encouraging, optimism for Eric and I.
and please help us to be able to stay close and not phase eachother out of our lives despite the opposite time zones... If I'm scared of anything at all- it's that.
Love you, Eric. Hope you have a good day, babe.... Goodnight

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