
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

the power of love

I know the heading of this post sounds so lame (maybe because it's the title of a Celine Dion ballad.....) but in any case, I've been realizing the power of love more and more since this whole deployment has started.  I find that I am constantly reassuring myself more and more that Eric and I are in love-- madly and truly in love. And that no matter what happens, that will always win.  I hate that we will live pretty separate lives for the next 6 months with him 13 hours a head of me. Literally when I'm awake, he will sleeping.  And I hate that he will have SO much to take his mind off of me and us and I will be here, in our home, counting every minute until he comes home.  There are so many things that I dislike about this but I've chosen to from now on be positive and good-spirited about everything no matter how difficult it may be.  And I think it's because no matter what doubts or worries or ill-feeling I have towards this whole thing, I know that Eric loves me more than he can even put into words.  And I love him no matter what as well.

I've come to realize- so far- that in marriage, when we don't feel loved or supported, our differences become magnified.  We fight for that love and significance and we fight for the marriage itself and sooner or later, marriage can feel like more of a battlefield than a safe haven. Love isnt the answer to every problem but it opens up the feeling of security so that two people can openly talk to eachother and solve problems without anyone feeling bullied or condemned.  Loving eachother is what will bring out the best in eachother which is the biggest reward of love.  So love really is the most powerful thing in the world I think.  It's love that led Christ to give his life for us.  It's love that Christ tells us is the greatest thing we have to give one another.  It's love that will get Eric and I through this hard time in our lives.  It's love that will help me sleep at night knowing that I don't know when I'll get to talk to my husband again.  To love Eric and commit to loving him in every situation or season of life presents SO MUCH potential for the most amazing marriage for us.  To love Eric sacrificially, and strive to re-enact the gospel through my marriage and be a representative of a Christ-like love is the most important thing I can bring to my marriage.

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